By Felibien Hirwa Tuzayisenga
Tujyane, meaning ‘let’s go together’ in Kinyarwanda, is the name of a new project supporting reconciliation, reintegration of ex-prisoners, and conflict resolution through grassroots community sociotherapy groups.
On 27th November 2020, Community Based Sociotherapy (CBS Rwanda) launched the Tujyane Project – funded by the European Union (EU) – which will be implemented in close collaboration with Radio La Benevolencija in Nyabihu, Nyamasheke and Rusizi districts for two years. The launch was held at the Grand Legacy Hotel in Kigali and was attended by many organizations investing in unity and reconciliation.
The project will support social cohesion, reconciliation and sustainable peace in Rwandan society, says Lucie Nzaramba, executive director of CBS Rwanda. The Tujyane Project is a 24-month-project that aims to contribute to democratization processes and equitable development by supporting the psychosocial reintegration process of ex-prisoners, mitigating the negative impacts of intergenerational legacies of the genocide, including the transmission of trauma, violence and divisionism and building on the strengths within the communities.
The delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Rwanda commends the role of Tujyane Project stakeholders in building sustainable peace at the community level. As a major donor to the project, the EU supports processes of reconciliation and community conflict resolution, which reinforce social dignity. In his remarks at the launch, Mr. Thibaut Moyer, EU First Secretary of Economics and Governance, highlighted the need for continuous collaboration to overcome potential challenges to reintegration of ex-prisoners to the community.
“Looking at the challenges posed by the number of prisoners recently released or soon to be released into the community, it is clear that no one project can face the issue alone. We take this opportunity to encourage the widest possible collaboration with the many other partners whom are also supported by EU […] we strongly encourage cooperation in this regard to achieve the requisite scale, as well as to ensure cross-fertilization of ideas and lessons learnt.”
– Thibaut Moyer, EU First Secretary of Economics and Governance
The National Unity and Reconciliation Commission is optimistic about the project impact and recommends an open partnership among project participants and stakeholders. This partnership will ensure that the project is supporting national endeavors of unity and reconciliation.
“To achieve the project goals, we need to build strong and close partnerships with local leaders, and the targeted community, but also among all concerned actors. NURC remains committed to this partnership to ensure the success of the project.”
– Laurence Mukayiranga, Partnership and Capacity Building Specialist at NURC
The Tujyane Project launch was attended by the European Union, the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, and other national peace actors Prison Fellowship Rwanda; Care International Rwanda; Duhumurizanye Iwacu Rwanda; ARCT Ruhuka; Interpeace; Never Again Rwanda; University of Rwanda; Search for Common Ground Rwanda; districts where Tujyane Project will be implemented.
For more information about the activities to be implemented visit the Tujyane Project Webpage