You are my heroes – Wedekull

By Felibien Hirwa Tuzayisenga

Christina Wedekull, the Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden in Rwanda, commended courageous actions of the Mvura Nkuvure graduates from Rulindo district who decided to continue supporting each other – socioeconomically – through “Duteraninkunga” after completing sociotherapy.

Duteraninkunga is a cooperative graduates who are still meeting after completing Mvura Nkuvure in Rulindo district, Rusiga sector. It is composed of 60 graduates, from four Mvura Nkuvure groups: 15 men and 45 women. Duteraninkunga is composed of Genocide survivors, men and women who participated in destroying properties during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi, women married to Genocide prisoners, local authorities, youth, and other community members who are people of integrity.

In her speech during the field visit she conducted in Rulindo district to witness the impact of Mvura Nkuvure, Wedekull told the cooperative members that they are heroes because they have made advanced steps by attending and completing Mvura Nkuvure and start a socioeconomic cooperative, despite what they experienced: traumatic and bitter situations they went trough.

“You are the heroes and you are brave. We can give a little support, but you are the ones that lived the traumatic events and your bravery is the one that makes you stand, forgive and have hope for the better future. YOU ARE MY HEROES” – Christina Wedekull

Christina Wedekull addressing the Duteraninkunga members at Ikirenga Cultural Center, during her filed visit

Duteraninkunga members, thanks to their regular savings, have started already income generating activities. In 2020 they hit target of Rwfr 3,695,740. The ultimate goal for this cooperative is to strengthen social cohesion and preserve Mvura Nkuvure principles : Socializing and mutual support; Socioeconomic development; Promoting unity and reconciliation. The cooperative members are proud of what they have achieved so far: all group members have mutuel de sante (community health insurance) they paid using their savings; Paying school fees for kids; One member has built a house; Some members have bought goats; Some others have already started income generating activities.

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